Holy Communion (St Peter's)
Our Parishes ...
... the three parishes of Barton, Pooley Bridge and Martindale lie South-West of Penrith within easy reach of the M6 and A66 at Junction 40 as well as the West Coast main line and are grouped around the northern end of Ullswater.
We welcome ...
... everyone; special provision is made for children and young people within our monthly cycle of services and we particularly invite visitors to the area to come and join us during their holiday time in Cumbria.
We want ...
... to grow as the Lord’s people in this place, recognizing the privileges and responsibilities we have in Jesus the Messiah. We are working to recognize God’s gifts in one another and to utilize and develop these gifts. We believe that by His grace, God has called us to be part of the ‘new heaven, new earth’ plan that he has for his creation and we try to work out our part in that project.